Always God's Children is an LGBTQ+ spirituality group that meets monthly in the Nashville area.

Our Purpose

We provide an emotionally safe place for LGBTQ+ Catholics and people of faith, their families and friends to pray, share experiences, find compassion, and build kinship.

2025 Pilgrimage to Italy

Join Fr. Dexter Brewer, Christ the King Catholic Church, Nashville, and I on a pilgrimage from Milan to Rome, Italy, Oct 7-17, 2025, a year of jubilee! A journey of healing and compassion for all, mindful of LGBTQ+ folks, their families and friends.

Our Name

Our name, Always God's Children, is inspired by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops pastoral message, "Always Our Children,” considered one of the more compassionate statements from the Catholic Church with regard to LGBTQ+ people and their families. We affirm that all are "Always God's Children.”

A Generous Space

If your sexuality or gender identity has made you unsure of your relationship with God, we are here for you. If experiences with the Church have fallen short of the “respect, compassion, and sensitivity” called for in the Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC 2358], we are here for you. We are not about changing people or changing doctrine. Respecting how each person integrates their gender and sexuality with scripture and tradition maintains our solidarity. We lean in, as Pope Francis encourages LGBTQ+ Catholic pastoral ministries, with “closeness, compassion, and tenderness,” opening our hearts and arms in the “style of God.” We follow the model of Jesus himself, who with love and compassion, took delight in those left out by the societal norms of their time. All of us are Always God’s Children.

Making LGBTQ+ Parish Ministries Work

A 3 part series by Always God's Children founder, Greg Walton, "Making LGBTQ Parish Ministries Work," based on his 2022 workshop for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles at its annual LA Religious Education Congress. This workshop features the experiences of other Catholic LGBTQ Ministry leaders and what Greg has learned accompanying his LGBTQ+ children and young people displaced by religious families who rejected them.

Contact Us

For more info on Always God’s Children, use our contact form.

JesusGlue Ministries, Inc.

The mission of JesusGlue Ministries, Inc. is to foster encounter with divine love through belonging, prayer, word, and song.

Always God’s Children is part of JesusGlue Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the United States under EIN: 36-3881847.

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© 2023 Jesus Glue Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 1363, Spring Hill, TN 37174